+++Transmission Initiated+++
Encryption Level: Omega
Reciever: Iquisitor Osiador
Sender: Codename Metatron
Type: Imperial Record
Subject: New Corps within the Dark Angels
Date: M42 110310
A new corps called ”The Watchers” have been located within the Dark Angels Inner Circle.
It seems that their main mission seems be to serve as tactical and spiritual advisors to the Company ”Masters” or Captains, but it seems that they are more vigilant after traitors and heretics within their own ranks, aswell as searching for something they seem to call ”The Fallen”.
These ”Watchers” seem to work on direct orders from the Chapter Masters and especially the Interogator Chaplains.
So far, no traitorus or heretical behaviour found from The Watchers but will continue investigations.
+++Transmission Terminated+++
I promised you a big update today, and here it is.
I've invented my own corps of characters within the Dark Angels.
These Watchers are sent out from the very top of the Inner Circle to route out traitors and heretics within their midst. These are not Chaplains but rather the persons that watch the Chaplains. They guard everyone.
Every company has a Watcher, posing as a tactical advisor to the Company Master, not even he knows the real reason for the Watcher being there.
Now on to why I did all of this, you see I recently got a bag of mixed bits from a friend and it contained the main model of a Black Templar Sword Brethren, although without his pistol.
I couldn't decide if I wanted to use him with my Dark Angels or in another project I'm slowly putting together. He would be a great Company Master but I already have one of those and I wanted him to have a bit more special role.
Here is the original model from GW
and here is what I did with it.
First of all, the model with the bits I wanted to use.
I wanted a Power Sword instead of a Chainsword and Plasma Pistol.
The only problem with this is that I needed a new hand for the plasma since it has a right hand.
So why not take the hand from the Power Sword?
And I threw in a hooded head since I love them, and they give perfect mystique to the character.
I hot molded on a DA symbol on his shoulder pad while I was at it
And here he is in the early painting stages.
Oh and all my Inner Circle or Deathwing will have bonewhite armour and green robes, just for the hell of it all.
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